How Secured Promissory Notes protect your Real Estate IRA

Investing in real estate can be exciting. If you’re doing this through a special savings account, known as a self-directed Individual Retirement Account (IRA), you have to think about keeping your money safe. One way to do that is with something called a secured promissory note. 


Let’s talk about why this is important when you invest in real estate with your IRA.

Basics of self-directed IRAs and real estate investments

A self-directed IRA is a special type of account that lets you save money for when you’re older, with some tax benefits. Unlike regular IRAs, you can choose to buy things like houses or land with a self-directed IRA.

Investing in real estate with your IRA can be good because it might make more money than other investments. But it’s also risky because there are many things that could go wrong, like if the property loses value or if you can’t find someone to rent it.

What are secured promissory notes?

A secured promissory note is a piece of paper that’s like a promise. It says that someone borrowed money and promised to pay it back. What makes it “secured” is that there’s something valuable, like a house, tied to the promise. If the borrower doesn’t pay back the money, the lender can take the house to get their money back.

How do secured promissory notes work within real estate IRAs?

When you use a secured promissory note in your real estate IRA, it means you’re lending money to someone, and the property they’re buying or already own is used as a safeguard. If they can’t pay you back, you can get the property. This helps keep your IRA money safer than just hoping they pay you back with nothing to back it up.

Secured vs. Unsecured Notes

Secured Notes Unsecured Notes
Collateral Backed by assets as collateral. Not backed by any collateral.
Risk Lower risk due to the presence of collateral. Higher risk as there is no backup for repayment.
Interest Rates Lower interest rates because of less risk. Higher interest rates to compensate for the higher risk.
Claim in Case of Default Holder can seize the asset if the borrower fails to repay. Holder has no asset rights upon the borrower’s default.
Investor Preference in IRAs Preferred for IRAs because of their additional security. Less preferred for IRAs due to their higher risk.

Read: Mastering the Art of Debt Management

Benefits of using secured promissory notes in your IRA

Using secured promissory notes in your IRA has many benefits, such as:

  • Asset protection: Your investment is safer because there’s actual property backing it up.
  • Priority claims: If the borrower can’t pay and stuff has to be sold, you have a better chance of getting your money back first.
  • Potential for steady income: With interest payments from the borrower, you could get regular money into your IRA.

Steps to secure your real estate IRA with a promissory note

To get a secured promissory note for your IRA, follow these steps:

  1. Find a borrower: Look for someone trustworthy who needs to borrow money.
  2. Check the property: Make sure the property they’re offering as security is worth enough.
  3. Create the note: You might need a lawyer to help write the promissory note.
  4. Make it official: Sign the paperwork and make sure it’s legally recorded.


Secured promissory notes can be a strong shield for your real estate IRA. They help make sure that you have a backup plan if your investment faces trouble. But remember, it’s wise to really understand what you’re getting into. Do your homework and consider chatting with an expert to help keep your retirement savings secure while you’re investing in real estate.

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