The Management Team comprises a diverse group of individuals with expertise in asset management, investment analysis, real estate, and business-related transactions.

James Mccabe (Managing Partner)
Jake Michel (Managing Partner)

James and Jake Managing Partners at The Placement Funds, began their journeys and started honing their expertise in real estate, investing and business divestiture over a decade ago. James ,a connector, investor, and capital raiser, and Jake, a proven leader with a track record in operations collectively increased previous organizational revenue by over 80 million dollars. Since 2022 they have facilitated the capital to fund over 100 million dollars in real estate projects and business acquisitions. Their shared vision and complementary skills led to the formation of The Placement Funds, where they work towards generating alternative investment opportunities that make high-quality investing more easily accessible.

The Board

Our esteemed Board of Advisors brings a wealth of expertise, strategic guidance and unparalleled insights to The Placement Funds. The Advisory Board is comprised of several experienced professionals, including alternative assets, both Single Family and Multifamily real estate investment, real estate development, risk analysis, and executive leadership coaching.

The board collectively has nearly a billion dollars of assets under management. With over 14 years of multifamily investment experience, Tyler Deveraux stands as a 9-figure entrepreneur, speaker, and podcast co-host, having acquired and managed nearly 4,000 apartment units valued at over $400 million. Luke Vennard, a financial services professional since 2004 and Managing Partner at Sterling Group United, is an expert in various financial domains and real estate diversification, recognized as a member of the Million Dollar Round Table. Brandon Craig, the founder of a multi-million dollar industrial services firm and co-founder at Ontocore, is celebrated as a “secret weapon” coach to accomplished individuals. Amanda Williams, an accomplished entrepreneur and Executive Partner, led a design company to over $30 million in sales and is renowned for her expertise in home construction and remodeling, delivering exceptional quality and value in custom homes. James McCabe, with nearly two decades in real estate, played a pivotal role in the growth of The Placement Companies, raising over $100 million for real estate ventures and passionately helping families and businesses grow wealth. Lex McCabe, a key member of The Placement Companies’ Investment Team, brings over a decade of industry experience and is committed to streamlining business processes for growth, aiding investors in making smarter investments in real estate and business opportunities.

Together, our board embodies a commitment to excellence, innovation, and client success. Here at The Placement Funds, we are extremely fortunate to be surrounded by such brilliant minds.

Tyler Deveraux Board Member
Luke Vennard Board Member
Brandon Craig Board Member
Amanda williams Board Member
Lex McCabe Managing Partner
New Project (1)
James McCabe Founder

Disclaimer: While none of our advisory board members can be held liable for any actions of The Placement Funds, we are grateful to learn from their expertise and experience.​

What we stand for.
The values of our core

“We are committed to gaining clarity and understanding our clients’ intentions for their future. It’s important to us that our well-defined strategy aligns with our client’s intentions for their investments and their lives,” said James McCabe


“I could go back in the direction I had come from, or I could go forward in the direction I intended to go.” — Cheryl Strayed


A vision without a strategy remains an illusion.” — Lee Bolman


“If you align expectations with reality, you will never be disappointed.” — unknown

For Us, Growth Is A Mindset.

A modern approach to consistency.

Our team of financial experts is here to provide personalized guidance and support. Whether you need advice on investment strategies, debt management, or retirement planning, our professionals are dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of personal finance and achieve financial success.